Well we are making our post Christmas rounds to Dayton, to Cleveland, and then back again to Old Fort for the new year. It is interesting to spend this much time with family that you don't normally see day to day. It's so good to see my folks, brother, sister and their familes. I enjoy visiting with Erin's family as well. It always amazes me that we uncover so many issues that people in our families are dealing with...all of the struggles, pain, miscommunication, assumptions, hurt feelings,broken relationships. There is always something going on and it varies from person to person and relationship to relationship. My extended family is no different. Just goes to so you that when you think you are the only one messed up all you have to do is visit your family to realize that you are not alone. Though we do not all struggle with the same issues we all have struggles.
The one constant I've always found is love. If you can start there you can usually overcome any struggle you have with someone. The hardest part is having open communication and honest dialogue. I find it so easy to just avoid certain issues and to ignore other things that bother me only to watch those things fester over time until the explosion happens. There are always the things that one of your relatives does that nobody ever addresses yet on the way home you always tallk about it with your spouse...snickering together or just shaking your heads at their behavior. It is hard to hear the truth from family. It is hard confronting and taking the time to walk through tough conversations. It just seems easier to ignore those things and let them lie. Only problem is they don't. They are right there to be built upon the next time you visit and now it is worse.
My encouragement to you is to realize the importance and significance of communication in a loving, gracelfull way. We spend so much time thinking about how our other family members should change and adjust when we are the ones that have plenty of work to do in our own lives. I bet most of our family looks at us the same way we snickeringly look at them. We look at one another's issues from across the room thinkng the other has more work to do. The next time you visit make sure you do some work in your own life and pray for the other person and watch what God can do. Sprinkle in some effective heartfelt communication and no telling how far your relationships can go. I know my family has a lot of work to do. How about yours? Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The post Christmas crash
Greetings...I hope all had a merry Christmas! Wow yesterday sure was a blur. After getting to bed at 12:45AM we woke up at 6:30 AM opened presents and then by 10:30AM we were off to Dayton for Christmas at my folks house . I have to tell you it was an awesome day for our whole family. Our children were blessed by the gifts we were able to afford...God is so good. We hung out with family and ate good food and basically relaxed. To be honest I was exhausted all day and my eyes hurt I was so tired. That seems to be a typical experience on Christmas day for me these past 7 or so years as I normally have presided over several services the night before. Some of you can relate I'm sure. I managed to keep my irritation level at a minimum and did my best to enjoy the day.
Now that it is the 26th it is interesting to begin the process of realizing there is no more Christmas for anyone to anticipate. It is done and over with. Hopefully we all got what we wanted under the tree and everyones travels went well. Now it seems to be time to move on. Hopefully we all have something significant in our life that gives us purpose and meaning once this holiday is over. I know I tend to go through a few moments of depression once Christmas is over. Usually takes me a little while to get back in the grove of life. But then Christ brings me back to reality and January kicks in. It makes me wonder what most of us have in our life that keeps us steady when there is nothing in this world to keep our minds occupied or busy. After all of the Christmas focus is gone what do we put our focus on then? I think these are the times that truly define who or what is at the center of our hearts and our life. I pray that for each of us we encounter Christ in a new way in this new year and we grow closer to Him...constantly moving into the center of our life. When all is stripped away it is funny how clear our need for something bigger than ourself is...our need for a savior. Thanks Jesus for being born, thanks for your life, thanks for you sacrifice. Happy Birthday to You! Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Now that it is the 26th it is interesting to begin the process of realizing there is no more Christmas for anyone to anticipate. It is done and over with. Hopefully we all got what we wanted under the tree and everyones travels went well. Now it seems to be time to move on. Hopefully we all have something significant in our life that gives us purpose and meaning once this holiday is over. I know I tend to go through a few moments of depression once Christmas is over. Usually takes me a little while to get back in the grove of life. But then Christ brings me back to reality and January kicks in. It makes me wonder what most of us have in our life that keeps us steady when there is nothing in this world to keep our minds occupied or busy. After all of the Christmas focus is gone what do we put our focus on then? I think these are the times that truly define who or what is at the center of our hearts and our life. I pray that for each of us we encounter Christ in a new way in this new year and we grow closer to Him...constantly moving into the center of our life. When all is stripped away it is funny how clear our need for something bigger than ourself is...our need for a savior. Thanks Jesus for being born, thanks for your life, thanks for you sacrifice. Happy Birthday to You! Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The jungle of parenting
I know many of us understand the challenge of parenting. A lot of times it feels like my children are pushing me to my very limit of sanity and patience. There are many times where Erin and I have felt like we have exhausted all the resources we have and we just don't know what else to do. Those are some very hard and frustrating moments. Take for instance last night. My 7 year old Hailey threw a fit/temper tantrum for over and hour. She was crying, screaming, yelling, pounding and everything else you could imagine. There was nothing we could do. She wouldn't listen to anything. She wouldn't go to her room. She wouldn't close the door. She wouldn't take a shower. She wouldn't change her clothes...nothing but screaming. I wound up having to put her in "the hold". It's a technique her counselor told us about when the parent wraps their arms and legs around the child's body pinning them so they can't harm themselves or you. After holding her for 20 minutes that didn't even work. Sometime later she finally calmed down but the damage was already done. Our lives and our house felt like a tornado had just blown through. My adrenaline was rushing, we were all agitated and irritated and on edge.
I have to tell you the times I feel the most inadequate in life is as a parent. Sometimes it can be the most lost and lonely feeling even though you have a supportive spouse like I do in Erin. We struggle with this together. It has been so good to be able to take some of our children to a counselor so we can work on helping them get better and also hone our parenting skills. It has also helped working closely with their teachers and talking openly about their struggles and ours as a parent. It reminds me that we all need people in our life to help us. People that have walked in our shoes before or who are trained to deal specifically with the issues we are facing. Having these "guides" walk with us through life has been priceless.
What struggles are you facing in life right now that maybe you haven't even admitted are struggles? What struggles do you have that you have identified and have been hesitant to let somebody walk with you through them? You are not alone. Even pastors need help from others. None of us are meant to walk through life alone. For sure none of us are meant to be able to figure out the jungle of parenting on our own either. God is so good! He is to our family and I hope you recognize His work in yours. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
I have to tell you the times I feel the most inadequate in life is as a parent. Sometimes it can be the most lost and lonely feeling even though you have a supportive spouse like I do in Erin. We struggle with this together. It has been so good to be able to take some of our children to a counselor so we can work on helping them get better and also hone our parenting skills. It has also helped working closely with their teachers and talking openly about their struggles and ours as a parent. It reminds me that we all need people in our life to help us. People that have walked in our shoes before or who are trained to deal specifically with the issues we are facing. Having these "guides" walk with us through life has been priceless.
What struggles are you facing in life right now that maybe you haven't even admitted are struggles? What struggles do you have that you have identified and have been hesitant to let somebody walk with you through them? You are not alone. Even pastors need help from others. None of us are meant to walk through life alone. For sure none of us are meant to be able to figure out the jungle of parenting on our own either. God is so good! He is to our family and I hope you recognize His work in yours. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Finding the meaning of Christmas with your family
Tonight we were at the Salvation Army in Tiffin. My entire family all 7 of us including little E-beth showed up to pack food boxes and organize toys for families that need help during Christmas. This time together went a long way to teach my children some valuable life lessons about what it means to follow Christ. It also did wonders for our family because it grew us together and created a lasting memory for my children of what we did as part of our ritual for celebrating Christmas. Isabel helped me break down empty boxes and helped others fill boxes with food. Tawna, Austin, & Hailey helped organize and haul toys to the tables. E-beth even got in the mix as she moved garbage bags full of popcorn balls from one place to the next. Erin got to break away from our kids and actually interact with other adults as she got to pack food boxes and retrieve food from the back room pantry. Of course I watched the kids and the pizza table as my contribution...hah, hah. In all seriousness I actually did some work too (as hard as that is to believe). Doing this activity together taught my children much more than any words I could have used, any lesson from the Bible I could have taught. The experience itself spoke volumes for us all.
I can't think of a better way to understand and experience the true meaning of Christmas than to help another person in need. I know for us all, especially the kids, that it makes us even more appreciative of what we do have because there will always be someone who has less than we do. It's so easy to spend the holidays wondering what we are going to get, focusing on all the gifts under the tree. Maybe the greatest gift of all is the one that is given. I know my family experienced that tonight and we will never forget it. If you are struggling to get into the Christmas spirit try generosity. Find someone you can bless with your time or your money. In the end you will receive more of a blessing as the one helping than even the one being helped might experience. From my family to yours, have a very merry Christmas! I know we already have. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
I can't think of a better way to understand and experience the true meaning of Christmas than to help another person in need. I know for us all, especially the kids, that it makes us even more appreciative of what we do have because there will always be someone who has less than we do. It's so easy to spend the holidays wondering what we are going to get, focusing on all the gifts under the tree. Maybe the greatest gift of all is the one that is given. I know my family experienced that tonight and we will never forget it. If you are struggling to get into the Christmas spirit try generosity. Find someone you can bless with your time or your money. In the end you will receive more of a blessing as the one helping than even the one being helped might experience. From my family to yours, have a very merry Christmas! I know we already have. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Monday, December 17, 2007
Let it snow on Sunday
Wow, that was some storm we had here in Old Fort. I think we had at least 6 inches of snow with drifting and high winds. This has to be the worst storm I have been through as a pastor on a Sunday morning. I spent most of Saturday watching the weather and wondering how bad it would be. I know many people were wondering if we were going to close (cancel worship) and many other churches in our area did. Thats just something I have never done as a pastor before and wouldn't know what else to do on a Sunday morning if we did. I have always told our congregation no matter how bad it is I will always be there and if they wanted to come that would be fine. Why tell people what to do anyways? If people can't come they won't come. For those who can and want to still come, we leave them that option. In the end it is a win for everyone. Funny to me that 60,000 fans made it to the Browns game yesterday and never gave the weather a second thought.
We did keep the doors open (we did cancel our 11AM service) for our first two services and had about 60 people show up. Families came with their children and we worshiped together. However it wasn't exactly what we had planned on doing in the week leading up. We sang and prayed together. Instead of preaching I lead a small group time with those who were there and we shared the passages in Matthew about Jesus' birth. We talked together about what these verses mean to us. We also shared what God was doing in our life and how He has been navigating us in these past few weeks since we began our series "GPS... Navigating Life". These services were totally different than what we have normally done and God moved in a big way. People shared stories about how God was changing their life. Others shared their thoughts on scripture and helped people grow in their understanding. It was kind of a serene experience being inside with a small group of people while the storm outside raged. We really sensed and felt God's presence. We were laid back , relaxed and had stepped out of our normal routine on Sunday mornings.
It reminded me that we all need to step out of the traffic of normal life. At some point in time we need to leave our routines and discover new experiences. I believe that God had a plan for us on Sunday and that was to step out of the normal and realize that no matter how bad the storms are we can still worship Him in many different ways. Those of us who came worship together. The truth is for any of us that stayed home we could still worship too. I wonder how many families got together yesterday morning at their home and sang songs together, shared scripture together, and prayed together. You can hold church at home if you need to. I bet God moved in a different way in many of our hearts because of the unique circumstances. Many of the people that came to Old Fort Church commented afterwards on how cool it was for us to worship in the way that we did. We all felt God's presence in a completely different way than we were used to.
This furthers my conviction that no matter how bad it is we will always try to have the church open on a Sunday because you never know what God will do (at the very least Mike and I will be there). I had no idea of what he was going to do yesterday but then again He did. In the long run His plan was far better than any we had put together. God is so good. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
We did keep the doors open (we did cancel our 11AM service) for our first two services and had about 60 people show up. Families came with their children and we worshiped together. However it wasn't exactly what we had planned on doing in the week leading up. We sang and prayed together. Instead of preaching I lead a small group time with those who were there and we shared the passages in Matthew about Jesus' birth. We talked together about what these verses mean to us. We also shared what God was doing in our life and how He has been navigating us in these past few weeks since we began our series "GPS... Navigating Life". These services were totally different than what we have normally done and God moved in a big way. People shared stories about how God was changing their life. Others shared their thoughts on scripture and helped people grow in their understanding. It was kind of a serene experience being inside with a small group of people while the storm outside raged. We really sensed and felt God's presence. We were laid back , relaxed and had stepped out of our normal routine on Sunday mornings.
It reminded me that we all need to step out of the traffic of normal life. At some point in time we need to leave our routines and discover new experiences. I believe that God had a plan for us on Sunday and that was to step out of the normal and realize that no matter how bad the storms are we can still worship Him in many different ways. Those of us who came worship together. The truth is for any of us that stayed home we could still worship too. I wonder how many families got together yesterday morning at their home and sang songs together, shared scripture together, and prayed together. You can hold church at home if you need to. I bet God moved in a different way in many of our hearts because of the unique circumstances. Many of the people that came to Old Fort Church commented afterwards on how cool it was for us to worship in the way that we did. We all felt God's presence in a completely different way than we were used to.
This furthers my conviction that no matter how bad it is we will always try to have the church open on a Sunday because you never know what God will do (at the very least Mike and I will be there). I had no idea of what he was going to do yesterday but then again He did. In the long run His plan was far better than any we had put together. God is so good. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Living life out on a limb at "My Place"
In the sanctuary at Old Fort Church we have a diagram of a tree in the sanctuary. This picture outlines for us one of three major emphases to our vision...
1. To become an Acts 2 Community,
2. that is a regional center of ministry,
3. creating a movement of people living life out on a limb.”
In our vision the third focus is to create an intentional discipleship pathway that we can prayerfully work everyone through in our congregation. This allows us to ensure that we are a church focused on growing people into God’s plan for their life. So, in the end we are out on a limb risking it for Jesus and bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. This pathway is a four stage journey…
Membership (101)- where I can discover a commitment to Jesus and the local church.
Maturity (201)- the discovery of disciplines and navigational tools God gives us to grow.
Ministry (301)- discover how God has wired each of us for ministry in the local church.
Mission (401)- discover that our life is a mission for Jesus, who uses us to change lives.
When you look at our tree image we are all reminded that each of us needs healthy soil so we have a place to establish our life with God in Membership (101). We also need a healthy root system to go deep into that soil for stability, support, and nutrients for a life of Maturity (201). Another important piece is the trunk that is central to the tree and who we are. It provides strength and purpose in Ministry (301). Lastly a tree has branches that fan out to provide and bear good fruit. In the same way we can bear healthy fruit in Jesus Christ as we see our life as a Mission (401).
We have a Wednesday evening ministry here at Old Fort Church called "My Place Wednesday’s". Starting January 16th we will be walking through (101, 201, 301) together. This will be done in table groups and together as a large group as we gather in the round. We will be serving a meal at 6PM as always and there will be classes for children and youth as well. I want to encourage everyone to walk through this with us whether you are a member or not. What a great time for food fellowship, and a chance to grow in Jesus Christ. Let’s dream together for a moment. What would it look like if everyone walked through these classes together? What could God do in this place if we were all ready to live life out on a limb? Let’s take this journey together.
Pray about inviting an unchurched friend with you. Consider leading one of our table groups or working with the kids. There will be sign up sheets at the information table in the church lobby. See you January 16th. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
1. To become an Acts 2 Community,
2. that is a regional center of ministry,
3. creating a movement of people living life out on a limb.”
In our vision the third focus is to create an intentional discipleship pathway that we can prayerfully work everyone through in our congregation. This allows us to ensure that we are a church focused on growing people into God’s plan for their life. So, in the end we are out on a limb risking it for Jesus and bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. This pathway is a four stage journey…
Membership (101)- where I can discover a commitment to Jesus and the local church.
Maturity (201)- the discovery of disciplines and navigational tools God gives us to grow.
Ministry (301)- discover how God has wired each of us for ministry in the local church.
Mission (401)- discover that our life is a mission for Jesus, who uses us to change lives.
When you look at our tree image we are all reminded that each of us needs healthy soil so we have a place to establish our life with God in Membership (101). We also need a healthy root system to go deep into that soil for stability, support, and nutrients for a life of Maturity (201). Another important piece is the trunk that is central to the tree and who we are. It provides strength and purpose in Ministry (301). Lastly a tree has branches that fan out to provide and bear good fruit. In the same way we can bear healthy fruit in Jesus Christ as we see our life as a Mission (401).
We have a Wednesday evening ministry here at Old Fort Church called "My Place Wednesday’s". Starting January 16th we will be walking through (101, 201, 301) together. This will be done in table groups and together as a large group as we gather in the round. We will be serving a meal at 6PM as always and there will be classes for children and youth as well. I want to encourage everyone to walk through this with us whether you are a member or not. What a great time for food fellowship, and a chance to grow in Jesus Christ. Let’s dream together for a moment. What would it look like if everyone walked through these classes together? What could God do in this place if we were all ready to live life out on a limb? Let’s take this journey together.
Pray about inviting an unchurched friend with you. Consider leading one of our table groups or working with the kids. There will be sign up sheets at the information table in the church lobby. See you January 16th. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
When your children don't sleep you don't either!
Elizabeth our 2 year old has struggled since the day she was borne to sleep through the night. In the last year it has gotten increasingly worse instead of getting better. Sometimes its her teeth or her belly, or she's not feeling well. Often times we don't have any idea why she can't sleep. I lose a few hours here and there but that pails in comparison to Erin. I am not sure Erin has had a solid night sleep in two years. So many days she is exhausted before it even starts. Compound that with the demanding needs of running our house, working in ministry at the church, and caring for our other 4 children. It is amazing how important our rest is. If we do not get enough it really affects the rest of our day.
It reminds me of how important it is for us to get our spiritual rest in Christ. Each day we need to take time out and sit quietly before God. I know on the days I don't do this that I am hardly ever at my best. I am physically tired, emotionally stretched, and spiritually exhausted. I am short with my kids, lack direction in my leadership, and really feel a little lost and lonely. I know how miserable Erin has been in her lack of sleep over these past few years and it makes me wonder how many of us walk through life feeling that way in our spirit and in our soul...exhausted and run down.
Jesus is a well for your life. He promises that those who come to Him will experience Living water, and rest for their hearts. Lets all take a big drink of Christ this Christmas season and believe in Him to restore us to what we were created to be. A creation of the King and a light to the world. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
It reminds me of how important it is for us to get our spiritual rest in Christ. Each day we need to take time out and sit quietly before God. I know on the days I don't do this that I am hardly ever at my best. I am physically tired, emotionally stretched, and spiritually exhausted. I am short with my kids, lack direction in my leadership, and really feel a little lost and lonely. I know how miserable Erin has been in her lack of sleep over these past few years and it makes me wonder how many of us walk through life feeling that way in our spirit and in our soul...exhausted and run down.
Jesus is a well for your life. He promises that those who come to Him will experience Living water, and rest for their hearts. Lets all take a big drink of Christ this Christmas season and believe in Him to restore us to what we were created to be. A creation of the King and a light to the world. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Monday, December 10, 2007
Generosity and the Christmas Spirit
At Old Fort Church we have started a tradition every Christmas of adopting Christmas families in partnership with the Salvation Army of Tiffin. This year my family adopted a family of six, including four children. We packed up all of our kids and headed off to Wal-Mart. Each of our children helped us shop for them and everybody got into it together. After awhile we had a cart full of cool things. Amazingly nothing we picked out was for us. Not one time did my kids ask for something or wonder why we weren't buying anything for ourselves. God taught our whole family something in that moment, that it is better to give than receive. Sounds cliche but it is true. We experienced it. We were more fulfilled providing a great Christmas for someone else than we would if we were buying for ourselves.
Later that day we gathered in our basement at home watched Polar Express on tv and wrapped those gifts together. Each of our children helped wrap a package and we put them all in a box to take to church. My daughter Tawna said later over a cup of Hot Cocoa that it was the best day ever. I believe it is one thing to try and teach your children through words it is also another to show them by actions and experience. This day will leave a lasting impression on them as I know it has already for me.
I can't think of a better way to bring our family closer and to get a little closer to what Christmas is all about. We serve a God who takes greater joy in giving than He does receiving. We have to look no further than an old beaten down smelling stable to realize that. A God who took on the humblest of circumstances in order to give us everything we have in life. That 's what Christmas is about. If you feel a little lost this year try living in a moment of generosity. It will fill your heart and lift your spirits in the name of God. From my family to yours... may you have a merry Christmas and truly discover its meaning in your life. Blessings, your Dreaming Pastor
Later that day we gathered in our basement at home watched Polar Express on tv and wrapped those gifts together. Each of our children helped wrap a package and we put them all in a box to take to church. My daughter Tawna said later over a cup of Hot Cocoa that it was the best day ever. I believe it is one thing to try and teach your children through words it is also another to show them by actions and experience. This day will leave a lasting impression on them as I know it has already for me.
I can't think of a better way to bring our family closer and to get a little closer to what Christmas is all about. We serve a God who takes greater joy in giving than He does receiving. We have to look no further than an old beaten down smelling stable to realize that. A God who took on the humblest of circumstances in order to give us everything we have in life. That 's what Christmas is about. If you feel a little lost this year try living in a moment of generosity. It will fill your heart and lift your spirits in the name of God. From my family to yours... may you have a merry Christmas and truly discover its meaning in your life. Blessings, your Dreaming Pastor
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The big Mo... lessons from the iceberg
Being a pastor certainly has its challenges. One of the biggest ones for me is keeping the momentum going. I have experienced so often in the local church seasons of excitement, seasons of commitment, and seasons of people moving together. Sometimes in between those times it feels as though the momentum has been lost. People are off doing other things. Summer kicks in. Or for some reason something has caused the movement to slow down a little bit and stall.
Most of my days are spent praying about, dreaming about, thinking about how to keep the momentum of the Spirit going. How can we keep people engaged, excited, and growing in God. What can we do to create an environment where people are ready to take their next step in life towards Jesus and towards our church. Sometimes it is tough to be able to pinpoint exactly what it is that is slowing us down or what might be robbing the momentum.
One of the things I am discovering is prayer. Because of who I am it is so easy for me to rely on my strengths, passion, and abilities. Sometimes that means I have left God out of the equation. I have relied on my own strength instead of His. Most of the time He won't let me go to long living or leading like that. Recently I have been reminded by Him of my need to be on my knees more asking for His mighty hand to continue doing a great work here. I sense as a I talk to people that some are feeling worn out, are busy with other things, or have lost the excitement. The more all of us pray and ask God to do a great work here, the more of His power we will see and experience in this place. Everyday I become more convinced that God has an amazing plan for OFC. A plan so large that we haven't even begun to see the tip of. Some say over 80% of an iceberg is under water. Beyond our sight. That when we see one we are only seeing the tip. I sense we haven't even scratched the surface here of what God is bringing our way. I am reminded of the verse of scripture that says...
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 chronicles 7:14 NIV
These are exciting times. Let' be in prayer together, let's confess our sin, let's seek God's face, let's keep the momentum going, let's ask God to show up in a powerful way! There's no telling what the iceberg will bring us. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Most of my days are spent praying about, dreaming about, thinking about how to keep the momentum of the Spirit going. How can we keep people engaged, excited, and growing in God. What can we do to create an environment where people are ready to take their next step in life towards Jesus and towards our church. Sometimes it is tough to be able to pinpoint exactly what it is that is slowing us down or what might be robbing the momentum.
One of the things I am discovering is prayer. Because of who I am it is so easy for me to rely on my strengths, passion, and abilities. Sometimes that means I have left God out of the equation. I have relied on my own strength instead of His. Most of the time He won't let me go to long living or leading like that. Recently I have been reminded by Him of my need to be on my knees more asking for His mighty hand to continue doing a great work here. I sense as a I talk to people that some are feeling worn out, are busy with other things, or have lost the excitement. The more all of us pray and ask God to do a great work here, the more of His power we will see and experience in this place. Everyday I become more convinced that God has an amazing plan for OFC. A plan so large that we haven't even begun to see the tip of. Some say over 80% of an iceberg is under water. Beyond our sight. That when we see one we are only seeing the tip. I sense we haven't even scratched the surface here of what God is bringing our way. I am reminded of the verse of scripture that says...
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 chronicles 7:14 NIV
These are exciting times. Let' be in prayer together, let's confess our sin, let's seek God's face, let's keep the momentum going, let's ask God to show up in a powerful way! There's no telling what the iceberg will bring us. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
A source of courage & strength...Isabel
One of the greatest challenges Erin and I have ever faced was when Isabel was born with Apert Syndrome. It affects the fingers and toes (they were fused together), her scull was not properly formed, and many others physical problems. I remember the doctors telling us she would never be able to grow beyond a normal intelligence. I remember wondering if she would survive surgery. I remember wondering if she would ever be able to feed herself or pick up a pencil. I have often wondered how others would receive her when she gets to be school age. Roadblocks in her life have often been at the front of my mind for her.
And yet the Isabel that I know has never been held back by anything. She never gives up. She never gets down. Never worries about all of her potential problems. Against all expectations she has grown to be mentally sound...so much so that she is beyond many of her peers at this stage in her life. She lights up a room and blesses anyone she comes in contact with. She is out going and lifts our whole family's spirits. Mainly for me she provides a source of strength. She is my living and walking example of God's loving power for our life. She is a source of courage that God has gifted me with. Whenever I get disconnected with God, start feeling sorry for myself, worry, wonder if I'm going to be able to do this or that, I see Isabel. I am then reminded that God can and will do anything He wants to. There is nothing God cannot do in your life. There is no roadblock he can't navigate you through. No trial, burden, hurt, or pain he can't deliver you from. Isabel is my little King David, who against all the odds killed the giant and blew every one's expectations. David would tell you one thing if he were alive today. Actually he tells us in scripture that it is with God's power and strength we live and achieve victory. To God be the Glory!
I thank God every day for Isabel and for what she means to me, our family, and eventually to the world. I believe God is going to use her to change lives, to comfort the afflicted, to set the oppressed free. God has big plans for her. There is nothing in your life, no roadblock that can keep you from being used by Jesus to change the world for the Kingdom of God. The only thing keeping us from that is ourselves. Listen to the voice of God and let him challenge you where you are. Blessings, your Dreaming Pastor
And yet the Isabel that I know has never been held back by anything. She never gives up. She never gets down. Never worries about all of her potential problems. Against all expectations she has grown to be mentally sound...so much so that she is beyond many of her peers at this stage in her life. She lights up a room and blesses anyone she comes in contact with. She is out going and lifts our whole family's spirits. Mainly for me she provides a source of strength. She is my living and walking example of God's loving power for our life. She is a source of courage that God has gifted me with. Whenever I get disconnected with God, start feeling sorry for myself, worry, wonder if I'm going to be able to do this or that, I see Isabel. I am then reminded that God can and will do anything He wants to. There is nothing God cannot do in your life. There is no roadblock he can't navigate you through. No trial, burden, hurt, or pain he can't deliver you from. Isabel is my little King David, who against all the odds killed the giant and blew every one's expectations. David would tell you one thing if he were alive today. Actually he tells us in scripture that it is with God's power and strength we live and achieve victory. To God be the Glory!
I thank God every day for Isabel and for what she means to me, our family, and eventually to the world. I believe God is going to use her to change lives, to comfort the afflicted, to set the oppressed free. God has big plans for her. There is nothing in your life, no roadblock that can keep you from being used by Jesus to change the world for the Kingdom of God. The only thing keeping us from that is ourselves. Listen to the voice of God and let him challenge you where you are. Blessings, your Dreaming Pastor
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Someone to help you with your problem's
Erin and I visited a counselor today that has been working with two of our children. We were able to share our concerns and issues that we are having as we struggle through the jungle of parenthood. It was so good to have someone to listen to our problems and to offer us helpful advice, let us know that we are not doing a bad job, and to also just be there to support us in our journey. I have to say I really felt better and felt a sense of freedom just having someone to bounce things off of. I didn't feel so alone in our struggles and I didn't feel as much of a failure as I sometimes do as a parent. It also helped Erin and I continue to stay on the same page and solidified our unified front with how we parent our children together.
It got me to thinking how important it is for all of us to have people in our life that we can bounce things off of from time to time. Erin does a really good job at this because she has several close friends she communicates regularly with on the phone. I constantly hear them listening to each others problems (usually the kids...every once in awhile I hear my name flying around too) and offering each other advice on how to work through it.
I do know one thing...life is too difficult and stressful to walk it alone. We need others to just help us keep our balance, to seek their thoughts, lean on in times of struggle. Who is that for you? This is something I have to continue to work on because I am introverted and would rather just hang out with myself. But like starting this blog...being able to freely share my thoughts with others has actually been helpful.
One more thing. If you visit a counselor it doesn't mean you are weird-o or a loser. In most cases it mean you will be healthier in the long run than those who stubbornly refuse to seek help in their life with the issues they have. Make no mistake about it. We all have huge issues, you are not alone!!!! Who is walking through life with you? Your Dreaming Pastor
It got me to thinking how important it is for all of us to have people in our life that we can bounce things off of from time to time. Erin does a really good job at this because she has several close friends she communicates regularly with on the phone. I constantly hear them listening to each others problems (usually the kids...every once in awhile I hear my name flying around too) and offering each other advice on how to work through it.
I do know one thing...life is too difficult and stressful to walk it alone. We need others to just help us keep our balance, to seek their thoughts, lean on in times of struggle. Who is that for you? This is something I have to continue to work on because I am introverted and would rather just hang out with myself. But like starting this blog...being able to freely share my thoughts with others has actually been helpful.
One more thing. If you visit a counselor it doesn't mean you are weird-o or a loser. In most cases it mean you will be healthier in the long run than those who stubbornly refuse to seek help in their life with the issues they have. Make no mistake about it. We all have huge issues, you are not alone!!!! Who is walking through life with you? Your Dreaming Pastor
Raising 5 children
One of the greatest joys and biggest challenges of my life comes with raising 5 kids. Each one of them has their own unique personality, gifts, and struggles. One of the favorite moments of my day is my drive home from work because I know my kids will be home just waiting for me to walk through that door. They run to me for hugs yelling daddy's home, daddy's home. I give hugs and kisses back and ask home there day was. I will sit down on the floor or at a stool by the counter and hang out for a little bit with them, playing or just talking. It is a great moment.
Something interesting often happens at this time however. What was my favorite part of the day slowly but quickly becomes a dreaded time of the day. Because now I hear about the latest behavioral issue with one of them. Another shows me their grades from school that day. Two others are arguing & shouting at each other. The babies won't stop crying because mom is trying to cook dinner and won't give them her attention. "Somehow mine will never do in those circumstances." Pretty soon it all gets a little overwhelming and I find myself forgetting the excitement I had on my way home. I have forgotten the smiles, the times where we have played together, thrown the ball together, pushed them on the swing, or attended one of their plays. Now I am just agitated, irritated and not all that excited. I regularly have to remind myself that being a parent isn't always a rose garden. That my children are not always going to be perfect and that it is going to be a lot of loving work. The work that I need to continue to do is learn how to keep and even temperament when things are overwhelming and not going well. It is so easy for my attitude shift from excitement to anger with my children. I am practicing taking deep breathes and praying for a lot more patience. I try to find something that each of my children like doing with me that is different than what their brother and sister do. With Austin I play catch or play any kind of sports with him. Tawna and I like to share music together with my iPod. Hailey sits in my lap and gets big hugs and sometimes we play a board game together. Isabel likes to play in her room with me with her kitchen set. E-beth just likes me to read her a book.
Raising kids no matter how many there are is a challenge. I feel it is one of the most important roles God has given me in my life...to raise them up to be Godly men and women. Having children has also forced me to rely on God's strength much, much more. I thank him for all he has done in my life...For the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Blessings, your dreaming pastor
Something interesting often happens at this time however. What was my favorite part of the day slowly but quickly becomes a dreaded time of the day. Because now I hear about the latest behavioral issue with one of them. Another shows me their grades from school that day. Two others are arguing & shouting at each other. The babies won't stop crying because mom is trying to cook dinner and won't give them her attention. "Somehow mine will never do in those circumstances." Pretty soon it all gets a little overwhelming and I find myself forgetting the excitement I had on my way home. I have forgotten the smiles, the times where we have played together, thrown the ball together, pushed them on the swing, or attended one of their plays. Now I am just agitated, irritated and not all that excited. I regularly have to remind myself that being a parent isn't always a rose garden. That my children are not always going to be perfect and that it is going to be a lot of loving work. The work that I need to continue to do is learn how to keep and even temperament when things are overwhelming and not going well. It is so easy for my attitude shift from excitement to anger with my children. I am practicing taking deep breathes and praying for a lot more patience. I try to find something that each of my children like doing with me that is different than what their brother and sister do. With Austin I play catch or play any kind of sports with him. Tawna and I like to share music together with my iPod. Hailey sits in my lap and gets big hugs and sometimes we play a board game together. Isabel likes to play in her room with me with her kitchen set. E-beth just likes me to read her a book.
Raising kids no matter how many there are is a challenge. I feel it is one of the most important roles God has given me in my life...to raise them up to be Godly men and women. Having children has also forced me to rely on God's strength much, much more. I thank him for all he has done in my life...For the good, the bad, and even the ugly. Blessings, your dreaming pastor
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The ebay addiction
I have to admit that a lot of our Christmas shopping has been on the Internet this year...mainly ebay. I find myself searching and searching for the perfect deal for the kids and at times I can get lost in all of the stuff and opportunities that exist in this online mega shopping mall. Shopping for me like for most of us can become an addiction. It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in the hunt for good bargains that before I realize it time has just flown by. It has reminded me that no matter how good something is, if used excessively it can become a stumbling block in ones life. Paul tells us that most things in moderation are ok for the soul. The problem is that sometimes its so easy to throw ourselves so completely at something, that starts out as a good thing, that later we find out that it has taken our focus away from the important; family, responsibilities, and mostly God. As we walk through life I encourage us all, as I do in my own life, to constantly ask God to reveal anything in our life that is keeping us from growing closer to him. If you ask this honestly sometimes we are surprised by the answer. When he shows us we must act swiftly by confessing it to God and make changes in our habits. I will continue to lay my life before God and encourage you to do the same.
Daring to Dream, John
Daring to Dream, John
Finding Meaning at Christmas
I have to be honest with you...ever since Thanksgiving it has been hard for me to get into the Christmas spirit. I told my wife Erin that I just don't feel like myself, that something is off, that my thoughts and feelings are out-of-wack. I was feeling a little off center and a little depressed. I saw the Charlie Brown Christmas special on TV the other day and could relate to Charlie being "the charlie Browniest of them all". Amazingly as I continue to rub shoulders with people and share life with them these past few weeks I am starting to reconnect with God and his work in my life. I have been praying about all of this but it has been that coupled with being in relationship with others that has helped get me excited about Christmas all over again.
This just reminds me of the struggles we all deal with. It is so easy when things aren't going right to draw back into our own little world and our own little life and start feeling sorry for ourselves. The only problem with that is we feel even more lost and lonely. We need each other. After all, that is what Christmas is all about...relationships...with God and with each other. It was only when I opened my heart to others that God began to bring me back. There are times in my life where I am weak and need others to lift me up, pick me up. That doesn't mean they are doing anything special other than just being there with me to walk through life.
Last night I went to my sons Christmas concert at school and I just felt God's touch on my heart. Imagine that...going to a public school and receiving a touch from God. At the end of the concert Mary & Joseph carried baby Jesus to the front of the auditorium. It was a moment I will never forget. I was overwhelmed with awe, wonder, and humility. The God of the universe left the beauty of heaven to walk the earth in order to save my life. He started as a baby just like all of us have. He lived life experiencing all the things we have ever dealt with and in the end he died for me. I can say that I have gotten back into that Christmas spirit. I just needed to be reminded of what it is all about. Its about relationships. My relationship with God and with others. Have a merry Christmas!
This just reminds me of the struggles we all deal with. It is so easy when things aren't going right to draw back into our own little world and our own little life and start feeling sorry for ourselves. The only problem with that is we feel even more lost and lonely. We need each other. After all, that is what Christmas is all about...relationships...with God and with each other. It was only when I opened my heart to others that God began to bring me back. There are times in my life where I am weak and need others to lift me up, pick me up. That doesn't mean they are doing anything special other than just being there with me to walk through life.
Last night I went to my sons Christmas concert at school and I just felt God's touch on my heart. Imagine that...going to a public school and receiving a touch from God. At the end of the concert Mary & Joseph carried baby Jesus to the front of the auditorium. It was a moment I will never forget. I was overwhelmed with awe, wonder, and humility. The God of the universe left the beauty of heaven to walk the earth in order to save my life. He started as a baby just like all of us have. He lived life experiencing all the things we have ever dealt with and in the end he died for me. I can say that I have gotten back into that Christmas spirit. I just needed to be reminded of what it is all about. Its about relationships. My relationship with God and with others. Have a merry Christmas!
Ohio Sate to the BSC game
Here are my thoughts on Ohio State playing for the national championship. Well first of all I have 51 days until the game to give you my thoughts on this so I might take my time. Also do the TV networks have anything against having families get together and watch football? The game will start around 8:30PM on a school night just in time for my kids to go to bed and for Erin to kiss me good night before she turns in. Nothing like shouting at the screen all by myself.
I do think we have a chance and look forward to the Bucks proving the critics wrong like Lou Holtz, Mark May, all the other SEC lovers out there. I just hope I don't stay up until 1AM just to watch another pasting like we received last year. Well no matter what...Go Bucks and O-H-I-O!
I do think we have a chance and look forward to the Bucks proving the critics wrong like Lou Holtz, Mark May, all the other SEC lovers out there. I just hope I don't stay up until 1AM just to watch another pasting like we received last year. Well no matter what...Go Bucks and O-H-I-O!
so I was told I should blog...so now what
Well here goes, my first entry. My hope with this blog is to help people see what goes on inside of John's crazy little head. To share with you the things God has laid on my heart and the dreams that I am dreaming. I may from time to time talk about what is happening at our church. And of course talk a little Buckeyes and Lions. Go Bucks!!!
All of those thoughts and ideas that introverts like me have will now become reading material for you, your friends, and your family. I tell you what...my family will verify that my brain is filled with some interesting, useless, and otherwise concerning information. Seriously though I do internalize a lot of thoughts and it should be cool to throw them out there to you and see what you think. Have you share with me your thoughts on these matters and see if we can grow each other in the process.
All of those thoughts and ideas that introverts like me have will now become reading material for you, your friends, and your family. I tell you what...my family will verify that my brain is filled with some interesting, useless, and otherwise concerning information. Seriously though I do internalize a lot of thoughts and it should be cool to throw them out there to you and see what you think. Have you share with me your thoughts on these matters and see if we can grow each other in the process.
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