About Me

Hey there...My name is John Alice and I am happily married to my wife of 11 years Erin. We have five children; Tawna, Austin, Hailey, Isabel, & E-beth. I also happen to be the Pastor of Old Fort Church in the Northern Midwestern part of Ohio. God has done so many things in my life from being a church planter in a YMCA to fostering up to 14 different children in our house. There have been many struggles along the way with infertility, Isabel's Aperts Syndrome, and the challenges of raising five children. However, God has always met me in times of struggle and walked with me through these real life issues.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Financial Fear or a chance for Faith...

Wow...what a couple of years it has been in the financial market. We have experienced record high gas prices, reduced home values, diminishing mutual fund markets, and now what seems to be total financial turmoil in the market. I would say the word "fear" could describe where many Americans are today. Yesterday my dad called us to give us some advice that he and my mother have taken themselves. He recommended that we withdraw a sum of money form the bank and keep some cash on hand just as a precautionary measure. That conversation really got me to thinking. What if... ?

I think Satan uses that stuff all the time to get us distracted from God's purposes, plan, and ultimate care for our life. Sometimes in these moments I find myself in mental panic mode as I desperately try to fix the problem by dwelling on it and worrying about it... as if that actually accomplishes something. As my dad and I continued to discus the financial state of the economy and what kind of effects that it might have on us he said something profound. My dad said, "Jesus is my real banker so there is no use worrying about this." That really struck me hard. I found myself immediately agreeing with that statement. That in the end if I have faithfully turned my life over to God including my finances than Jesus would faithful and deal with this mess for me. What do I really have to worry about? I have the God of the universe who died on the cross for me and lives in me. Will He fall off His throne during the nations financial crisis? Absolutely not! Why would I even think that? Well, because that is what Satan wants.

Now keep in mind Erin and I are paying attention to our personal finances...God expects us to. We are eliminating all spending on "extras" right now. We have somewhat of a spending freeze in our house. However one thing that we will not stop is our tithing. Erin and I have been able to work towards, with God's help, giving well over a tithe. We have learned to stay faithful and now in a time of crisis is when our faith is needed more than ever. I want to ask you a question...who is your banker? Let that set in for a moment. Is your ultimate banker Jesus Christ. Have you given over everything in your life to Him? Do you trust Him with your whole life including your finances? If you have and you learn to be faithful with what you have then no matter what, God will be faithful to you. That doesn't mean you won't struggle or even go through financial hardship. What it does mean is that you have Jesus who will walk with you through the struggles and lift you up in your time of need.

In these moments I am learning to lean even further into God and my relationship with Christ. In the end my banker is not 5th 3rd or the United Methodist Credit Union. It is Christ. So in the end I have nothing to fear, rather I have every reason to have faith. How about you?
In Community with you,
Your Dreaming Pastor

1 comment:

Michael Sooy said...

Sounds like the makings of a good sermon series...