Wednesday, April 30, 2008
You are not alone!
If you have been reading my blog at all you know that our family struggles are well documented. This has been even a tougher week as we prepare for our sermon series on parenting. I have been challenged from every direction. This morning I was talking to God and just having a particularly difficult morning and week for that matter. I was lifting up my family, my kids, and my marriage. I was just really really sad and heartbroken. I felt so lonely and I just asked God for his presence. I was just feeling like I needed someone to pray with me. After that prayer time I read some scripture and began my work for the day.
Not 30 minutes later Kathy Oliver comes walking in the door of my office and told me that God placed it on her heart that she wanted to pray for me. Guess what...without my prompting she prayed for me, my children, my wife. She prayed for my parenting and my marriage. WOW! All I could do was listen to her prayer and shed tears. All that was running through my mind at that moment was how good God is and that we are not alone in our struggles. That God will let us know He is there and present ever-working in our life. He reminded me that all we have to do is ask and we shall receive. I sensed nothing other than the presence and work of God as we prayed together. It is amazing how God shows Himself to us when we aren't even expecting it. My God is a personal loving God. He cares about my day to day stuff. He longs for me to share what is on my heart with Him and He works to surround me with the people and relationships I need to make it through everyday living. He is an awesome God!
I ask that each of you keep praying for me. I have felt so inadequate preparing for this sermon series. I have failed in so many ways as a parent and as a husband. At times I have gotten it all wrong. But by the grace of God there are times where we have gotten it right and have trusted God's work in our family. It is so easy to let the voices of Satan and our Giants overwhelm us. We start to believe that we are no good, that we can't make a difference, that we can't teach on this stuff because we have struggles with it and aren't perfect. I have been spending this week chasing away those voices of negativity and learning to trust God's presence and to recognize His voice. His voice tells me to keep going and that He is going to show up big in this series if I only trust Him to. Today He showed up big-time and reminded me He is the one with the power not Satan, not my Giant sized struggles, not even me. He is the King of Glory! Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Monday, April 28, 2008
Constantly challenged and growing...
One of the things I appreciate most about me (sounds kind of conceited...but go with me on this) is that I feel like I am always learning and listening. One of my greatest passions in life is to always get better at who I am and what I do. Now being a pastor this kind of comes easy to me because I spend my life and lively hood challenging people to live a better life walking closer to God everyday. The hard part is making sure that my life lines up as best I can with the life I call others to live. Recently I have been working on this parenting series and I am already working on the second message. I should however rephrase that. The message are actually working on me. I have come to not like myself several times in the last week as a parent. This series (and I haven't even preached a single message yet) has made me a little uncomfortable with my own attitudes and actions in the parenting realm.
I know that in many cases that I often...too often lack patience with my kids. I yell way to much and get frustrated at too may small things. I have become very selfish with my time lately and could be giving more of it to my kids. God is doing a real work on my heart and I am asking Him in these last few weeks to make me a better parent. It's one of those nagging things in my life right now that I just can't let go of. God is constantly there challenging me in this area not letting me go. I am taking some real steps in a better direction. I hopefully have calmed down a little lately. I haven't yelled as much. I have purposely found ways to compliment my kids and praise them when they do well. I have seen a difference in me already but mainly I have sensed a difference in them as well. Tawna and I haven't been getting on each others nerves as much and we have had some really good conversations. Last night she and I sat down and played UNO together and had a great time. Normally I would be off goofing on the computer or watching TV.
Yesterday we had our Dad and Hailey vs. Tawna and Austin baseball game in our backyard. We had a decent time together. This was one of the first times I didn't have to walk off in disgust because of the way the kids were acting or have to really yell at any of them. It was refreshing.
Tonight is Austin's Bear badge ceremony for cub scouts and i am really looking forward to it. Not to say int he past I wouldn't but honestly sometimes I would go to these things out of duty and not desire. So glad I am letting God change me. How about you. Is God changing you in any way. Are you the same person you were last year or the year before? How would your family answer that question about you? Are you still growing in your relationship with God? Are you getting better? Let's all be open to God doing a new thing in our life. I pray he does in mine and in yours as well. I know I have blogged on this topic a few times already but I ask you to continue to pray for me as we embark on this new series together. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Taking Risks
It is risky for us to start this series. It is risky anytime you open up your life and share what is really going on behind closed doors. Especially the things you aren't proud of. I beleive God is going to use this risk as a step of faith. I hope and pray that it helps someone struggling...that it gives hope or even just a sense that others are not alone when it comes to parenting challenges. I ask you to pray for me and for my family. I have no doubt that these next few weeks are going to escalate issues in our household. I know anytime I am preaching on something that area becomes a test and I feel pushed more than ever there. Please keep our family in your prayers for protection, patience, and provision in the coming month as we take the risk of leading this parenting series.
This is also risky in other ways. Our church has never really done a series like this before. We have had a single sermon on parenting before but never an entire series. There are people in our congregation that are not currently parents or have older children that are out of the house. I know for them this will be a stretch. However, You will never change unless you try something new. That's what we are doing in this series. Trying something new that we think will reach new people with a different topic than many churches will usually deal with. I pray that people from all over the area will hear about it and come check things out. I pray that our people at OFC will invest and invite new people to the church so that their lives may be blessed.
Make no mistake about it this series is risky in so many ways. Then again I feel alive and excited that we are doing this. It feels good to know we are living out on the edge. There is a certain faithfulness attached when you feel like you are sticking your neck out for Jesus. I pray that in some way shape or form you are trying something new from the routine of life in order to see God work in a new way. I pray you have a great week. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Getting a fresh perspective
It was so refreshing to hear from someone else that can relate to the struggles and challenges we have. So often one can feel so lonely in ministry. Today was a chance for all of us to be encouraged and challenged as well. We realized we are not alone in our struggles but we were also able to hear things and experience things in a different way. This automatically forces us to think differently than we normally do. I am a firm believer that if you stare at a problem or an issue long enough pretty soon you don't see it as that anymore. You just kind of ignore it or think that it is normal. When you hear from someone else however it sheds new light on the things you do. It causes you to ask more questions about how you do things. It forces you to evaluate how you are doing. Basically a fresh perspective is something that is good for all of us.
To often we are afraid to venture out of our normal routine and let outsiders evaluate us. This is because we are easily intimidated or don't really want to have a light shine on our issues. We would rather just stay in the dark and keep doing the same thing never questioning what it is we are doing. If we do we might not like what we see. At least we have the comfort or our routine. However, I am glad for today. It was great to gain insight on what we are doing and to ask why we are doing it. The only way we will ever grow is to let others help us point out the steps we can't see for ourselves. I challenge all of us to seek other people's insights and trust the fresh perspectives we gain from those moments. We will all be better because of it. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Blessings come when you give it away
Once we start washing their windows the inevitable question always comes, "why are you doing this...what group are you with?" What an open door to share our story. I always simply respond that, "we are a local church just wanting to share God's love in a practical way believing that life is better when it is given away." Some of the conversations that come out of this are amazing. One lady flat out told me that we has humans don't do enough for one another. She them proceeded to tell me that my serving her was inspiring her to pay it forward to someone else. All this because we showed up to wash people's windshields! How amazing is that? What would happen if we all made it a point in our life to serve others every chance we get no matter who they are? It would change the world.
So many of us wonder how on earth we can approach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How do we make it make sense for people? Well serving them and blessing their socks off is a great way to start. Remember I had people asking me what I was about. What an opportunity! As you walk through your week let me encourage you to seek out chances to serve others and watch God work through you. You may be the only Jesus someone meets. Once you have served them don't be surprised if they ask you your story. May God bless you and may you be a blessings to others. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Living outside of our comfort zone
I have experinced these moments to be a good thing. These feelings keep me on my toes and pull me out of my normal comfortable routine. I have always discovered God's voice to be clearer when I am out of my comfort zone because I think I am more focused on relying on His help and provision. It is so easy to regularly choose to live in our routines. We find it more desirable to stick with what is familiar to us. However God's plan is to disrupt that routine from time to time in order to do a new thing in us. Think about it for a moment. If you are wanting God to be fresh in your life and constantly doing new things that how can that happen if we constantly focus on keeping our life familiar and our routines routine?
Often times we turn down these chances or turn away from an opportunity to engage in a new thing. We then are missing out possibly on the very moment that God is bringing into our life that could help us take our next step forward. Don't get me wrong. Routines are a good thing. God knows I have plenty of them. But most of us would admit that they dominate the landscape of our lives more so than our willingness to step out on a limb and risk it. Honestly I feel more alive after our class tonight. I feel as though I had to reach into my heart and soul in a different way. I had to craft my words differently and focus my thinking in new directions. It was actually a growing experience for me. The teens in this group are so awesome and they have so many honest questions. There is a raw believe about them and their life. They are not timid or shy but really focused on things. I have grown more already.
Moments like these make me a better more well rounded leader. They draw me closer to God and help me build better relationships with groups of people I don't normally hang out with all that much. How about you? When was the last time you risked it? When have you tried something out of the routine and hung out with or lead a group of people that were far different than you are used to? God wants to do a new thing in your life. He wants to grow you and stretch you. Let's not fight opportunities to step out on the limb of life. Let's risk it for Jesus Christ and see what He will do to grow our life, enlarge our touch, and expand our territory. It will only happen if we cease experiences like these. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Feelin' like Rip Van Winkle
I woke up this morning feeling slightly better. Well enough to head into the office at least. Man I felt like I was on a nother planet... and I just missed a day. It was amazing to me how out of it I was after just missing a day. My whole routine was off and I felt like everyone's life went on while mine stood still. Well of course that's how I felt because that's what happened. It was just kind of weird thats all. I've spent today trying to get back into the groove of things...trying to play catch up with all we have going on at the church. It's been interesting. Oh well that's what is on my mind right now. Trying to get better and get back in the groove of things.
I am sure you have had those days where everyone else seems ahead of the game while you have been away for whatever reason. I mean I woke up and was heading to take the trash out this morning only to have Erin tell me that the kids already had done that. WOW! It is a good feeling to know that life can go on and that the church can go on when I am not here. However, I know that for Erin the sooner I can get back to normal the better to help out with our gaggle of children. Sometimes I feel like I am running a bed and breakfast. I pray that you have been able to stay healthy and I also pray that you have people around you that can pick up the slack Like I have at home and at work. May God heal you and help you this week. I know He is still healing me! Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Friday, April 11, 2008
A letter to the OFC family and anyone else for that matter...
Every year there will be opportunities for our church that will allow us to see where we are in buying into our mission, vision, and direction. There are times where we will be able to evaluate just how serious we are about reaching “those yet to come” for Jesus Christ. We will be able to answer the questions, “do we live with a consumer mind set or a Kingdom mindset?” Are we willing to make sacrifices with our own wants, needs and desires in order to change lives in our surrounding communities? Do we want to continue to see young families with children pouring through our doors creating an energizing presence and building blocks for our future?
Old Fort Church decided 13 years ago when we started new styles of worship that we didn’t want to die. We began the belief system that if we were going to not only survive but thrive that we would have to embrace innovation. We could no longer make decisions based on the 7 words of the dying church “we’ve never done it that way before.” So we revitalized our children’s ministries and developed programming to reach out and encourage younger families. We created worship celebrations that spoke the language of the culture. As a result, we have seen an outpouring and steady flow of new families with children flocking to the church over the years.
In May we are going to continue this trend with a new sermon series called The Parent Trap. It will be a five week series that engages many of the issues, difficulties, and struggles that parents deal with today. It will cover varying topics that have been a major part of my families journey and heart ache as parents, such as; infertility, adoption, challenging children, getting more than we bargained for, and daring to discipline. We will be able to distribute our sermon series fliers to the children and families of Old Fort Schools, to our preschool, and to our friends and families that we know who would jump at an opportunity like this. This is an extremely relevant topic that so many families and parents are starving for. Parents are looking for guidance, searching for hope, and desperate for encouragement. It is a topic that most people wouldn’t expect the local church to spend a 5 week series on and that is exactly why we are going to do it.
I know what you’re thinking. But pastor, I am a college student. I am retired and my kids no longer live with us. I am single or married and don’t have any children. What about me? Every single one of us has been parented at some point in time. We have all been impacted by parents. We are all currently connected to friends and family that are parenting children. Some of us will be parents in the future. Let’s not forget the fact that we have a God who is our spiritual parent. God will and can challenge everyone through this series no matter where you are in life. If you walk into this series with the belief that God will bless you through it, then He will do just that. If you walk into this series with the mindset that it is not for you and that you’re not going to get anything out of it, then guess what, you won’t and you will be miserable.
I encourage all of us to do the opposite of looking at our own feelings and what “I” am going to get out of this. Let us continue the passion for growing our church, meeting the needs of others, and designing worship experiences not only for us, but for “those yet to come.” Let us continue to reach out into our future and believe as I do that this series will change lives and reach people for Jesus Christ. God wants to use you to impact others lives. Who do you know that has children or grandchildren that are struggling with the issues of parenting? Who have you been investing in that you can invite to this sermon series? How can all of us get excited about this and the impact it will have for years to come as God continues to shape our church.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
How many places can you be at once?
I have a Saturday coming up where I am committed as the assistant coach of Austin's b-ball team for practice from 9-11AM. Then Austin has a cub scout commitment from 8-12 AM. Meanwhile our church has an awesome outreach project in Tiffin from 10-12AM. I am not sure if you have figured this out but I have. Unless I clone myself and Austin... or if I cut my body into three pieces, I will not be able to make all of these things. So now I am left with the game of "which thing do we do, and which thing do we not do?" I know you have been in situations like this as well. I know in the end all will work itself out and we will be where we are supposed to be. Sometimes just looking ahead at things like these makes my head spin. It gets kind of overwhelming. We have always had this rule that our kids can only sign up for one thing at a time. Well I think we have broken that rule with Austin. For the most part it has worked out well but we will have to see how that Saturday will work itself out.
Life can seem so busy and hectic. There are so many times where I think my productivity and business is what I was made and meant for. then at the end of the day I wonder sometimes...for what purpose did I do all of this? For what purpose did I speed around today or put together this thing or produce this item? I pray that all of us consider our business and make choices that produces the most fruit. I know I am working on that in my life. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Hangin' with the group is great!
It gets me to thinking about all those people who do not have a group of people they can hang with, that they can discuss God's Word with, that will pray for them and accept them for who they are. I don't know how those people make it through life, let alone grow in their relationship with God. Maybe you are one of those people. You know you need some significant people in your life but you don't want to take the time to do it. Or you don't want to risk building relationships with others in an authentic way. For whatever reason...and none of them are good are not in a group. Everything we know about God and how He created us points to the fact that we were designed to live in community with others. Nobody is designed to be able to go it alone. We need each other to grow Spiritually. If you think differently you are only kidding yourself and you see things differently than God does.
I couldn't imagine my life without a small group. Well that is not true, there have been times where I haven't been in a group and I look back on those times and realize how little I was connecting with God and others. It has always been when I have been in a group that my growth in Christ accelerates. This has been without exception. What is keeping you from getting in a group with other believers? Stop making excuses, bite the bullet, take the risk, change your priorities and just do it. If your too busy for a regular gathering with others in the name of Jesus than you are too busy. I pray that God touches your heart and connects you with great friends as He has done for me. You know... I have never talked to a person that feels disconnected from God or the church who is actively involved in a small group. There is a reason for that...because God designed us for them. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Everyone has a kryptonite in their life
Many of you who know our family know that we have some behavioral issues that go way beyond normal with two of our children. We are in the process of regular counseling and prescription medication to help them and to help us. No matter what we do, no matter how much medication and counseling...there are days where Hailey's behavior sends a sickening feeling throughout our entire household. Life feels like we are in the middle of a hurricane or tornado where everything is just spinning around us and our family is left in pieces. She is my Kryptonite. There are so many days where after our episodes with her I feel like the worst parent in the world. Nothing goes right and my frustrations go beyond the boiling point. I know she has to be miserable inside because most of her life is spent being punished, grounded, or stuck in her room. When that isn't going on she is screaming, crying, or being just plain nasty. So many nights wind up with Erin or I putting her in the hold because she is so out of control and refuses to listen to anything we say or do. Many of her friends are able to go and do special things but we can't let her go because we can't subject others to her venomous outbursts. Or so many times she is grounded or in the middle of punishment and can't go and do those things.
I would be easy to say that because of this situation that our family is in crisis but I think that would be understated. It is like living with a stick of dynamite with a fuse that you never know when it is going to get lit and go off and leave everything in its wake in ruin. Don't be mistaken by me or my family. We are seemingly normal and we have a great life. God is good and we are extremely blessed. But make no mistake about it we have a Kryptonite in our life. We have that one thing that no matter how well we are put together we seemingly stubble every time. We hope and pray that things are getting better with her but there are days like today that we wonder if she will ever get better. There are days like today where our hope is only a distant pipe dream in the face of yet another horrendous outburst. I don't like who I am in those moments...I don't like who I am soon after those moments. It is a challenge that I don't have enough power strength or energy to deal with. So I am relying on God. God, I seek your forgiveness for all the ways I have failed Hailey and have failed as a parent. I know I am not perfect and I ask for your forgiveness. I come to you now in this moment as I have done so many times before to ask for you loving kindness and power for living to fill my life and my families life. I can't do this on my own and I need you. God I trust you to continue to do a new thing in my life and to mold me, make me, and shape me. God I pray that your son Jesus would be the continuing antidote to my Kryptonite. A-men. What is your weakness that tends to get the best of you? Have you given it to God? Jesus can be your antidote. It won't always be easy, but I do know one thing... Having Jesus present in my life and in my family's life is sometimes the only thing that keeps me sane. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor