About Me

Hey there...My name is John Alice and I am happily married to my wife of 11 years Erin. We have five children; Tawna, Austin, Hailey, Isabel, & E-beth. I also happen to be the Pastor of Old Fort Church in the Northern Midwestern part of Ohio. God has done so many things in my life from being a church planter in a YMCA to fostering up to 14 different children in our house. There have been many struggles along the way with infertility, Isabel's Aperts Syndrome, and the challenges of raising five children. However, God has always met me in times of struggle and walked with me through these real life issues.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How many places can you be at once?

I know everyone of us can relate to those nights or weekends where we have to go in six different directions. My Monday nights are like that. I drive to Tiffin to take Tawna to baton practice. They i come back to Ft. Seneca to take Ausitn to cub Scouts. After that I go to church for my meeting and then leave the mtg a little early to go back and pick Austin up. Then we go home. Whew! Remind you of one of your evenings recently. I remember the days of being a college student or even when Erin and I were first married without children. How calm those evenings and weekends were. Very little chaos and everything was laid out before us with plenty of time to get things done. No life is almost a blur sometimes. I those few hours of running around i am not sure that I even have a clear thought sometimes. How about you?

I have a Saturday coming up where I am committed as the assistant coach of Austin's b-ball team for practice from 9-11AM. Then Austin has a cub scout commitment from 8-12 AM. Meanwhile our church has an awesome outreach project in Tiffin from 10-12AM. I am not sure if you have figured this out but I have. Unless I clone myself and Austin... or if I cut my body into three pieces, I will not be able to make all of these things. So now I am left with the game of "which thing do we do, and which thing do we not do?" I know you have been in situations like this as well. I know in the end all will work itself out and we will be where we are supposed to be. Sometimes just looking ahead at things like these makes my head spin. It gets kind of overwhelming. We have always had this rule that our kids can only sign up for one thing at a time. Well I think we have broken that rule with Austin. For the most part it has worked out well but we will have to see how that Saturday will work itself out.

Life can seem so busy and hectic. There are so many times where I think my productivity and business is what I was made and meant for. then at the end of the day I wonder sometimes...for what purpose did I do all of this? For what purpose did I speed around today or put together this thing or produce this item? I pray that all of us consider our business and make choices that produces the most fruit. I know I am working on that in my life. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor

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