About Me

Hey there...My name is John Alice and I am happily married to my wife of 11 years Erin. We have five children; Tawna, Austin, Hailey, Isabel, & E-beth. I also happen to be the Pastor of Old Fort Church in the Northern Midwestern part of Ohio. God has done so many things in my life from being a church planter in a YMCA to fostering up to 14 different children in our house. There have been many struggles along the way with infertility, Isabel's Aperts Syndrome, and the challenges of raising five children. However, God has always met me in times of struggle and walked with me through these real life issues.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

OFC newsletter article

Will you be taking a vacation from God?

WOW! It is almost June and summer will be upon us. Soon the kids will be out of school and we will be starting our summer routines of vacations, trips, family outings, and all those fun opportunities that make summer such a special time. One of the things that always amuses me is that not only do we take a break from our normal work, school, and family routines, but sometimes we wind up taking a vacation from God. We so easily fall into the mode that all of a sudden church, small group, and service projects are now optional. In fact I have heard many churches cater to this attitude by toning things down during the summer and slowing down their ministries and Bible Studies. Because after all, one automatically assumes the people will have better things to do than to come to church.

I have never bought into this notion. How does it make sense that just because it gets warm outside that God takes a backseat in our life? In fact in my experience it is just the opposite. Summer is an awesome time to connect with God. In fact there are many folk that are searching for new churches, and checking out places of worship so they can be settled in by the time fall and school starts. This is a time where our senses are far stronger and our souls are more energetic with the warm weather and family activities in the air. What a great time to discover God or hear Him all over again.

I invite you to get excited about what God is going to do at OFC this summer. Rather than following conventional church wisdom we are going to ramp things up. In June we have VBS where it is all hands on deck for servant volunteers. On the 27th there will be a performance called The Ladies of Harmony created by one of our very own. In July we will have a sermon series created around the new book by John Eldridge Walking with God. This month long series will be geared towards learning how to actually hear God speak to us and to discover a closer walk with Him. In August we will learn how to run for the prize as we gear up for a sermons series based on the Olympic Games. We will wrap up the summer with a Back to School Bash that will involve the entire community. Throughout the summer there will be activities and studies at My Place for adults. There will be awesome opportunities for children and youth and for the entire family. I challenge you to throw yourself at these opportunities and see if God ramps things up in your life.

One more thing…I challenge you to not let Sunday mornings be an option. Here is a rule my family lives by. If we are in town and healthy there is nothing that will keep us from worship. Many of you will not be in town every Sunday this summer, that’s fine. You should still be in church. There are thousands of other churches out there and chances are there will be several to choose from no matter where you are. My family will be in Gatlinburg, TN for vacation and we will go to church. We will be in Dayton and we will go to church. We will go on picnics but first we will go to church. He is our #1 priority.

If you are out of town listen to the sermons online or grab the CD of it the following week. Take the John Eldredge’s book with you and read it on your trip. Get creative in keeping God #1. In the book of Matthew Jesus makes it very simple…
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (6:33 NIV)

Many of us are desperate for God to “add” to our life. He can’t do that if we aren’t seeking Him as our first and #1 priority throughout the whole year. I pray that God adds to your life this summer…that God does a new thing in you. I pray you are able to step up and help OFC reach all those new people that will be coming in our doors. Most of all, I pray that God and church continue to be a year long destination for your family. May He fill our souls and add to our life! Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor

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