About Me

Hey there...My name is John Alice and I am happily married to my wife of 11 years Erin. We have five children; Tawna, Austin, Hailey, Isabel, & E-beth. I also happen to be the Pastor of Old Fort Church in the Northern Midwestern part of Ohio. God has done so many things in my life from being a church planter in a YMCA to fostering up to 14 different children in our house. There have been many struggles along the way with infertility, Isabel's Aperts Syndrome, and the challenges of raising five children. However, God has always met me in times of struggle and walked with me through these real life issues.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Wanna Get Away?

I always have loved those South West commercials that ask us all a question that often times we find ourselves saying yes to. Last week my mom came up and watched the kids and let Erin and I got away to Columbus for a few days. What a refreshing time we had just driving around relaxing at the hotel, visiting shops, eating out. However the most fun we had was in the small things like not having to unload five kids every time we got to a store. Erin also liked eating first before having to feed anyone else. I particularly liked the quietness and relaxed nature of our time together. Every couple that has young kids ought to find ways to get away from the daily routine that never seems to end.

It did a couple of things for us. It of course brought Erin and I closer and allowed us to catch up on some things. We were able to carry on a conversation longer than 2 minutes without being interrupted. It also had us appreciating our children even more than we already did, which seemed impossible. Absence does make the heart grow more fonder. For our children it reinforced to them that the most important relationship in our house is the one between mommy and daddy. We modeled for them just how much of a priority our marriage is. In fact Austin made himself sick on Thursday before we left town because he didn't want us to go. It gave me a chance to let him know that no matter how badly he felt mom and dad were still going to go because we needed this time to getaway and focus on us for a few days. A few hours later he was doing fine so I dropped him off at school.

I wonder for many of us that are married, how worn out and weary we are? How strong is our relationship with our spouse? There are times during the week where we are with our kids so much and when we aren't we are so exhausted that it doesn't even feel like we exist for each other. There are times were all we can do is just keep up with our responsibilities and the only conversation we have is to tell the other our schedule or ask for help with something. Needless to say life can be really full. Ours always seems to be...so I am thankful for those moments where we can just get away. Do you wanna getaway? Then do it. Blessings, Your Dreaming Pastor

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