About Me

Hey there...My name is John Alice and I am happily married to my wife of 11 years Erin. We have five children; Tawna, Austin, Hailey, Isabel, & E-beth. I also happen to be the Pastor of Old Fort Church in the Northern Midwestern part of Ohio. God has done so many things in my life from being a church planter in a YMCA to fostering up to 14 different children in our house. There have been many struggles along the way with infertility, Isabel's Aperts Syndrome, and the challenges of raising five children. However, God has always met me in times of struggle and walked with me through these real life issues.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What if I can't hear God?

I think we have all been here before. We pray to God, open our heart to Him, attentively listen for the answer and then we hear...nothing! We start to question and wonder if God is really there. We start asking does He still speak or what have I done to not hear Him today. Maybe I have fallen from His grace and am not going to be able to hear Him anymore. John E. in his book WWG reminds us that our position in Christ is not a result of being able to hear God speak on any given day. We are secure in Christ because of His grace and nothing else. Our ability to hear God speak then becomes a natural outflow of our relationship with Him. Any relationship will take time. It takes time to grow into this with God and it takes time to learn and be familiar with his voice. Think about it...if we haven't been investing in our relationship with God regularly how could we expect the hear from Him regularly. The two go hand in hand. Today our challenge is to ask ourselves honestly, how much have we invested in spending time with God. How close have we walked with him through our days in all the "in between" stuff the simple things. As we answer this we will have answer to how we can hear God more.

We are also reminded that there is something else out there that would desire to keep us from hearing God's voice. He is as real as God. There are three important revelations to life. the first one is that God exists and in real. The second is that we have to deal with His existence in a personal way. The third is a little less popular with folk...Satan is real and is powerful. Satan does try to work in our life. He tries blocking our connection to God. Quietly and cunningly sneaking his way into our hearts. He works overtime to steal our joy and to rob us of our connection to God. We have to be aware that in times we can't her God's voice maybe it is because Satan has worked His way into our life somehow. I liken him to running water. Water has this incredible ability to work its way through the path of least resistance. There can be a solid concrete barrier but if there is even a hint of a crack anywhere the water will eventually find it and seep in. Satan is similar He will work and work and find the path of least resistance in us. he will look for the crack in our fortress or the chink in our armor and come in.

John E. reminds us to keep watch for His activity and to bring Christ's power against when we feel week. Some of us are not comfortable talking about Satan but the truth is whether we acknowledge him or not He is real and working in this world. And he hopes to be working in us. I pray today that we all take stock of our life, our current posture and look for places where Satan might want to creep in. Open you eyes and your heart to God this day and realize that He is yours and you are His and that nothing can separate His love for you.
Walking together,
Your Dreaming Pastor


Dale said...

I discovered your blog while googling as research for a sermon I am writing. Your words and thoughts are thought-provoking and inspirational. I enjoyed my visit. :) God bless!

Anonymous said...

Hi there
Could you tell me where I can get hold of this book by John.E as it sounds perfect for my friend.

Many Blessings